Truth transparency and humanness
----Truth Transparency and Humanness----
To live, we need many things from the outside world. We need money, resources, support systems, relationships, and material things to make us comfortable and have a happy life. But the way we achieve or take these things from the world is the problem. Are we receiving them from the world through a humane win-win exchange or is it an in-human exchange where we are winning and the other is losing, which we call win-lose exchanges.
Even though we came to this planet with a human body, most of the time, our perception, thinking, and actions are not really human. If we truly look at ourselves, we can really see that within us, we have both humanness and inhumanness within.
Even though this is the case, we continuously tell lies to ourselves and to the world, saying we are really good people and there is nothing bad or evil within us.
On our birth certificate, we have our religion as Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, or some other religion but are we truly following, and embodying the teachings of those teachers or masters? Most times if we truly answer this question. The answer is a resounding No.
Most of us, act like we are pure religious people, a saint to the world but it's all a lie. Just showing off a fake image of a saint, a religious person. A good person's image is all fake. To truly embody and live a real life of the teachings of those masters, first, we have to be truthful to ourselves. Not to the world just to ourselves.
Transparency to self is extremely important; that’s how you figure out who you are within.
This is the turning point in our life. Where we begin to look within ourselves. The concept of “know thyself” is all about finding who am I within. To reach that state, we need to be truthful to ourselves and be fully transparent to ourselves.
The problem is, that telling ourselves the truth is the biggest difficult thing we ever face.
Because within us, we have this judge, who judges us and shames us, who reduces our value into nothing. Who breaks our self-esteem, self-confidence, and courage when it breaks down the mind into a weak coward? Making the mind into a weak, powerless person with survival fear, doubt, and confusion about how to face life and survive is its primary focus and to this self, nothing else matters.
This is what happens when you become transparent to yourself and tell the truth about yourself.
These are the shadow identities, the in-humanness within us that judges us and punishes us for being not enough. It wants to judge us and then, hurt us; shame us, blame us, and make us feel guilty for being not good enough. It is violating us! It is extremely cruel to ourselves and to the world for not being good enough.
To face this judgment within us, we have to be extremely courageous and have a huge trust in God within us and the nature that governs all life. That this God or nature that we believe, will be our support system and that it is there to provide us, support, and help us as we begin our journey to finding truth about ourselves.
The moment we begin to look within and tell the truth to ourselves, this judge within us will start its attack to pursue us with fear, and intimidation as it brings out its barrage of judgments of us being not good enough to survive this world. Telling us, that because we are weak have low value, and are useless people will ignore us and won’t associate with us. You will be ostracised and you won’t have family or friends, to support and help you when you need someone or you won’t be able to have connections and will be alone and lonely forever.
How can you live alone by yourself without depending on people and the world?
These are huge core fears within us and so, we will immediately begin to shake with doubts and confusion and give in to the coercion of the inhuman side of our ego to lie, cheat, manipulate deceive myself and the world. Giving up wanting to look within to see my truth gets hushed up so easily by these ego identities.
There is a continuous waging of war within ourselves to stop us from telling ourselves the truth. Because of this every time the heart nudges us to tell to truth, the mind comes up with its war strategies to judge us and break us, so that the little courage we have, will fade away to the barrage of negative thoughts and emotions.
So, we keep lying, deceiving ourselves and the world, and become pretenders, and fakers. Playing roles to deceive to achieve, take, win competitions, win wars with the world to control and take, parasitized.
Use people as pawns in our greedy games of winning, taking to survive while others fail or be destroyed by us.
We don’t have the courage to say, look at me, I am lying to these people, manipulating them, or sawing discord among friends so, I can reap the benefits from their situation. What we need is the ability to see our true selves with all our lies, weaknesses, and positive thoughts and actions. I have both sides within me.
I am reiterating, that being transparent and telling the truth to self is the most difficult task we ever face. Facing myself, all my negative shadow parts of myself and telling my truth, and admitting I am a liar, cheater, manipulator, controller who violates other people is a huge task. Admitting this is me, with all my negative qualities and all my positive qualities is a daunting action as my mind will continue to fight to stop me from admitting these shadows are my own identities and they simply need to be accepted as part of me and my purpose in life is to awake them to the light or bring them home,
To awaken, our very own soul confidence and soul esteem and reach towards our soul, God self, and nature within us, we have to face our own demons that are waiting to judge and punish us while screaming to be recognized as part of us that are acting out this way. Harming itself and me.
Have we ever considered the possibility of these inner demons that judge in me, that judge and devalue shame, blame me, and break my mind as a part of my shadow side, shadow identities that must be observed and accepted as part of me? I need to learn to love these parts of me just like I love my positive aspects, both are me.
These shadow identities are the aspect that is on the top of our mind with a top priority that judges everything to protect me at one point of my life as I was heavily unconscious but as we open up and awaken our minds, we realize that the roles that they played as the judge or punisher, is no longer needed. It is time these identities retire from doing their job or role as shadow judges, shadow punishers victim victimizers, etc..
These are the realizations we become as we begin our journey into ourselves within. Just imagine, what if we can break free from this inner war or this spiritual war waging within us all our lives.
One day, we will no longer be at war with ourselves, the shadow identity that played the shadow judge role has retired or was awakened by God-self, or Soul within us. The peace within us must be a joyful experience to feel every day. That’s where we are going as we face our own inner demons, the shadow judges and punishers, etc., within us.
Even though we have a human body, we know for sure within as there are in-human shadow identities that perceive, think, and act towards life and ourselves in these inhuman ways. This is our greatest threat and weakness that loom within that we continuously ignore and look away, pretending that they don’t exist within us.
We need to see the truth be transparent of our in-humanness, the shadow aspect of ourselves, so we can, with courage face these shadows to awaken them to light, so they become humane again to love ourselves and the world.
If you don't do this, we will continuously be trapped in this illusion, believing all these shadows are my enemies and I am a victim of them. Never reclaiming these aspects back to light, back to you. And exiting this illusion.
Just because we go to the temple, the church, or mosque and read those religious books and read aloud them like a religious person according to that religious culture, we don't become the embodiment of that truth. It’s just an act. You are deceiving yourself and others around you. Fake people pretend to be good, virtuous, and kind in front of others but when no one is around, we let our true selves come out and that person is not what we truly want to be.
As we tell ourselves the truth continuously, there is a huge change happening within us, a correction is happening in us awakening our shadow identities to the light, to be human. And this light, this humanness helps us to express it to the outer world, expressing our real love, care, and respect for each other and helping each other by willingly giving to them. All exchanges are win-win by both parties as equals.
Awaken human who loves, care, respect the world, and accept people as they are without judgment is extremely precious to us and to the world. These are the invaluable qualities built within us as we are awakened as truth-tellers. This is not something we can control and take or buy from the outer world, this is something that awakens within us that cannot be stolen or taken by others.
My attempt always is to NOT trick, manipulate, lie, and deceive people to overpower them and control them, so I can take from them in-humanly, where I win and they lose. This is a violation of my true self and violence to the world. Instead, the awakened human gives my services or products to the people in a loving, respectful, equal exchange where both parties win. Where our service to the world is helping the world to improve, evolve, and bring comfort and joy to others.
Those who take from the world in in-human ways are called “takers” these are parasites, instead, we can be “givers”, and willingly give to the world in love and care.
This is a huge change in the mental state of a person where they slowly begin to become one with nature and all life and as they are peaceful co-creators, lovers of the world. Imagine, how important these changes within must be to us and to the world. This is the humane and just society we are all longing for.
When I became someone who gave in love and cared for humanness, I feel extremely joyous, this is true happiness. The happiness we get from controlling others and taking from them through a means of win-lose exchanges is inhuman and cruel but makes some parts of us happy; this is fake happiness and it's temporary.
The person has to be extremely courageous to face the survival fear and doubts, to tell the truth to themselves, and to find the truth within. For that, that person must have trust in themselves as well as in the nature or God that they believe will protect and provide for them and take care of them throughout this inner journey.
If you don't have this kind of courage and trust in yourself and god, then what you do is find religions that promote fake rituals that tell us, that when you follow these rituals, you will gain wisdom or you will gain good karma and you can go to heaven after life etc. These are escapes that were fabricated by the religious middlemen who want to trick themselves and the followers where both want to pretend to be religious but in reality, both parties don't want to make the needed sacrifice to attain truth within. This is the easy way out and both groups have silently agreed on this belief and accepted this as the real way to be religious.
The follower is getting the escape they want that is accepted by the religious middle men and that organization and the religious middle men get the respect and the needed funding to live a comfortable life pretending to be religious. Both are fakes, both are liars. So, in a sense we can say, if you don't have the courage, trust, and confidence to face your own truth then go to the temple or church and follow those rituals that have no meaning and read the scripture and tell yourself you are a good religious person. Yeah, it is cruel to say this but question yourself, isn't that what is happening and we are all ignoring this fact.
This is me tricking myself into believing that I am a religious person because I like this religious way of living by following these rituals and in return I will go to heaven. Also, I will be reborn in a good place in the next lifetime. This is what most religions teach us these days. They won't urge you to find the truth because most followers want easy ways out and pretend to be living a religious lifestyle.
But if you look at it, I don't think we will go to this so-called heaven, when you lie to yourself and the world. This is a temporary escapism that we have built in our minds and agreed by all, so you can live with this lie. Most people use religion and the culture that is attached to the religion for this escapism purpose.
It's very hard to find the truth within ourselves as it is extremely scary, even if you look at the side where the truth might be, the shadows within us come out and distract us from taking that path so fast, that we even forget what we were doing a moment ago.
As I mentioned, most religions nowadays focus on the culture that they have built with so many rituals where people tell themselves and the world, when I follow this ritual this and that way is what religion is for them. No! It's a culture, not the philosophy that true spiritual teachers experienced, lived, and taught us.
Most of us came to this planet to self-realise and awaken our shadow side yet we get trapped in these religious cultures while telling ourselves that we have achieved something through these religions. But it's all lies, that they tell themselves and to the world.
Truth is seeing your true self, and becoming transparent to yourself, this is when the soul begins to show you the truth as wisdom and divine intelligence.
Wisdom is not something you can take from outside of you, it is something that's awakened within you, getting downloaded to you.
You can listen to religious teachers teaching sermons and remember this information and analyze it and remember it but it is just data; it is all artificial. Yes, you can remember that as you retrieve the data from your stored data banks/memory and tell yourself and others you know religious teachings and you have attained some sort of wisdom but they are just data, stored and retrieved, artificial data.
You can learn from what you hear analyze it and apply that knowledge to your practical life, during that process of experiencing life and facing challenges you begin to receive something you never learned before, that is the download wisdom you get from the universe. This is the truth that you self-realized from yourself.
This truth, wisdom is something that awakens within you automatically and upon that awakening, your mind changes, and from that change, you automatically act in this new way of perceiving, thinking, and living. You exchange relationships, goods, and services in new awakened, changed human ways, where both parties win, and all transactions are of love, care, and equal respect for all life.
Just think about it, when you notice you are exchanging services or products with each other in that old outdated, inhumane way. And you tell yourself the truth that you no longer want to act in this cruel way of exchanges and are open and willing to change. Then the universe listens and steps in to awaken you to the truth.
The harm we cause to the world begins to reduce as we change a little bit at a time. Have you noticed now how bad the judgments that we cast upon others are, this is violence against them and we have been hurting them. All this time, we believed that judging others is a normal thing and that's how we live, but now upon hearing what this is, we want to change and become a human that is a gift to the world.
This judgment concept is something, we now begin to realize is extremely harmful to ourselves and to the world. Now we can understand why Buddhism talks about non-violence as its main objective in attaining. Also, we can understand becoming a human is an extremely hard thing and we have to be extremely courageous and work diligently to achieve that task. Think about it, do you still want to be this fake human or want to become the real deal?
As you become open to truth your heart that has been closed up with shadows begins to clear up and open bit by bit. This is a major deal to us and the heart is the guide we need but we can’t rely on it in the past as it is a shadow guidance system that is controlled by the brain.
In spiritual terms, they say listen to your heart and it will guide you to the truth, this does not happen at the beginning as the heart is covered in shadows and the guidance is not true. As we begin to become transparent and open ourselves to looking at our own selves. The real heart begins to clean itself from shadows and come online for us becoming our true guidance and governing system for our awakening and daily life.
So, make an effort and tell your truth so you too can bring your heart to open up and be your guidance system, so you can truly be a genuine human. Not a fake!
Love Pavithra T LH