fake leaedrs

Fake leaders who sell us fantasies

We have been so ignorant of our perception of the world, especially political arenas for the last several decades since we got our independence. The leaders and political parties have been lying to us all these days selling us fake dreams. These are not even dreams they are fantasies that can never be realities for us, plus the political parties and those leaders who sell these fantasizes are compulsive Liars who have heavy mental diseases and are all self-absorbed, tyrannical, self-centered, greedy people who have no moral values and have been focusing on their interest.  Which means parasites who are only takers, not the servers for the people and country. 

We have never questioned them and given our votes and when they don't fulfill their nicely parceled-up fantasy, we get angry and blame them for deceiving us. We have never taken responsibility for ourselves as we too are part of the problem.

 We never question their abilities and ask where can they make these fantasies realities, have they done these kinds of things, even a tiny bits in their lives in the past? At least one service action for the people around them or have they always been born liars? Who are self-centered liars who cheat and deceive us just to overpower and control us to take from us and destroy the people who believed them? Why don't we ask these questions and decide whether they can truly serve us as givers not takers?

Recently, this subject keep coming to me to see, how ignorant we are to be tricked by these fantasy sellers, who can never make any of these a reality for us, yet we never see through there tricks.