Dhammapada -
For your light reading, some of the Buddhist teachings that were translated from Pali text.
Though little he recites the Sacred Texts but acts in accordance with the teaching, forsaking lust, hatred and ignorance, truly knowing, with mind well freed, clinging to naught here and here after, he shares the fruits of the Holy life.
He whose senses are subdued, like steeds well trained by a charioteer, he whose pride is destroyed and is free from the corruptions, - such a steadfast one even the gods hold dear.
Like the earth, a balanced and well-disciplined person resents not. He is comparable to an Indrakhila. Like a pool, unsullied by mud, is; to such a balanced on life's wanderings do not arise.
Health is the highest gain. Contentment is greatest wealth. The trusty are the best kinsmen. Nibbhana is the highest bliss.
Hunger is the greatest disease. Aggregates are the greatest ill. Knowing this as it really is (the wise realize) Nibbhana, bliss supreme.
Just as the merchant, with a small escort and a great wealth, avoids a perilous route, just as one desiring to live avoids the poison, even so should one shun evil things.
Calm in his mind, calm in his speech, calm in his actions, who rightly knowing , is wholly freed, perfectly peaceful and equipoised.
Post date: Nov 9, 2016 7:20:42 AM