Violation against nature
Violation against nature
We have seen what happens when we try to help a butterfly out of its cocoon which results in killing it. Because it’s a natural progression that takes its own time and a process that we are not aware. It's an alchemical process that none of us can understand that nature does on its own way. Which we call it a miracle.
Nature as a living breathing entity has its own step by step process that we can't understand. If we attempt to interfere, or control the process in our own way, then that is a violation against natural process. Against nature.
The same goes for the alchemical process of a sprout emerging out of its seed. If we control and interfere in that process, then we destroy it.
Same goes for our natural progression of our evolution, that we go through by experiential learning with time and outer life interaction that gives us the needed experience and needed pain and pressure to alchemize our own evolution.
The emotional pain and pressure we experienced as we realize, we are weak to face the life situation is needed to go through this alchemical process. We, with experience learn to observe the distortive perception and believes that causes us to have those weakness.
There is a cause and effect, that is how everything is created in this reality. Cause being the distortive perception and belief that we believed as the truth. And was programmed in to our unconscious ego mind which becomes our inner creation programme. Which projects out the reality or the creation. The distortive creation, or the life event and shadow ego identity which has this weakness is the effect of that cause.
As the fear and pain reaches its highest level of pain and desperation where there is a pressure desiring to want to change within us, is the catalyst to trigger an alchemical process for that shadow identity to transform in to something new, something with a higher vibration. The new archetypal identity is a soul or God aligned identity with our own inner power.
This process is an alchemical transformation for our shadow identity or unconscious ego identity. One distortive identity dies in our mind, and a new evolved identity is born.
This is a natural progression we all go through with life by experiencing life. Facing life in this moment without resisting or escaping. Facing fear head on while trusting our own Godself, Soul to correct this temporary shadow identity and the illusional reality it experiences and perceive. This is called the experiential learning by the masters.
Also, anyone who tries to awaken consciousness in someone who is not ready harm him or her as the person is artificially, or unnaturally controlled, coerced in to change. And this artificial control goes against the Gods plan for that person. Again it’s a violation against that person. As we are artificially attempting to control and change their path that God planned for them.
There are certain things in life that can't be helped by us, they have to happen from the inside out by that person's decisions or choices. All of us has a plan for us designed by God and we all have be patient and let others awaken by that plan on their own time and speed. It is not up to us to change them, awaken them, force them with our own ego judgements and agendas. They will wake up when they experience their own life events that trigger them to awake.
Basically, the concept of controlling life event in the outer world or controlling the ego is an un-natural process and is against the nature.
As you can see... though we are not aware at this moment, but control is a process that work against nature. It is a violation against us and nature.
Pavithra LH