Should the Spiritual Services be given for free
Should the Services be given for free? Does there need to be an Exchange?
Written on February 19, 2015
Written by Pavithra LH @
In the ancient days, in the east, a man who decides to give himself for his spiritual (adyathmika) development leaves the village to go to a monastery or teacher to learn the teachings. When he is ready, he will travel the country teaching, giving his wisdom to others.
This is his service to others, his mission. He has given up his 3D worldly desires to be this. If we look at him, we see that when people see this being, they respect him, and find ways to take care of him because they know how important his service to them is. Let's say, he is traveling and staying in a place, a hut that is built for travelers in a village. Village people would come to visit him to learn from him the teachings, as well as ask his wisdom to solve their problems. So the monk is taken care of by villagers in exchange for his wisdom. If they love his teachings and want his wisdom, they might work together and build a permanent structure (later becoming temples) for him. So he can stay there with them and provide teachings and wisdom. In exchange they took care of his necessities. This was how the spiritual services were given in the old days, there was always a system behind it. Mostly a community, or a group of people or maybe some wealthy guy or a king; something to sustain the place. So the people that come there get the service, as if it's free, but in reality there was something always backing it up, and sustaining its needs.
Nowadays, especially in the west, most of the teachings are being taught through religious institutions, which are multimillion dollars organizations. They are backed by huge systems; millions of dollars are given to them by their followers so they can sustain the systems indefinitely.
How the exchanges were done in olden days
Let us look at another example: in the old days, if we take a village in the east, an Ayurveda doctor or medicine man is one of the most important service providers. When a person comes to visit him for his services, they would bring him something they have. Milk from their cows, eggs from their chicken, vegetables from the garden, some of their crops, whatever the service work they are in, they bring some of it. Sometimes people go in without anything to this medicine man and get his services, but you know for sure, at a later day, they will bring something to him or her or help them out in some other way. In both cases, there was always an exchange for his or her services, a barter system.
We might not see it from far, if we did not really look at the way of the people and the life- styles they had, as those days money was not that popular or did not exist. People know the medicine man needs to eat too, and live a comfortable life. So he is being given the necessary things in exchange for his service. Sometimes the medicine man is wealthy, so he will ask poor people not to bring anything, in return they gave him respect, or came to help him out with his farm, or fixing his roof, etc. There was always an exchange, those days people knew this law. There must be an energy exchange, that is part of the prosperity, part of the values and life styles of the people. You cannot horde, trick or steal, or get all for free from people and live a life of integrity and values. There must be an exchange always, you must give something back to the people for what you get from them. That is how the communities work, and how the world works. At least that's my perspective.
What do you Expect?
While I was talking about money related to a service, someone told me, you can't take money for this, you have to give it for free. The question I had to ask the person was, this is a service I provide, and I have no other way to sustain myself, no other income, or a job. I spend all my day doing this work, so there is no time to do another job. How do you expect me to live?, you know... eat, pay for the utilities, clothing and other stuff. I wonder where this person learn't this thinking? It seems somewhere they miss the translation about the spiritual service. They seem to think that the spiritual service provider should give his or her service for free but forget to think that they must live too... to give them this service. This is not the olden days, we don't bring our cow's milk, the eggs or crop to the medicine man or the service provider to get the service. We have to use money or a different barter system, as a method of exchange.
In a world, where we are all fully provided for, you will see people giving freely, giving their share to the community. Till we move into a level that we are provided for or we all move in to that level of consciousness, we are asking an exchange for our services. I think this is fair thinking. Of course we can give our services for free, when we feel like helping out a person, but that should be our decision to make.
The next question is how much we should charge?
This is based on your energy levels and what kind of quality service you are providing. Other parameters are, that you are not ripping people off with trickery and deception and that you are living life of values and integrity. Then the price you chose is exactly the price you should charge. What do you think?
There is also the value of the person, does the service provider value themselves? Do they love themselves, accept themselves and respect themselves enough to receive the money for the service they are providing? Do they feel they are worthy to give service and to get energy, aka money back for what they are providing? These areas and other hidden belief patterns needs to be considered as well, when you are giving and receiving services or anything else in life for that matter.
Other than these obvious facts, we all know one thing for sure, this is all energy, and it must always flow without any stagnation.
Sooo.... what do you think? What if you are the service provider? How would you provide your spiritual service or any other service? What kind of system is behind you to provide for you while you are facilitating these services, if not what do you do?
Where do you stand with all this?