Be careful for what you ask, you might get it
Some of us are still driven by ego and its demands. Every day, it has a list of things that it wants. Unfortunately for us, we think ego is who we are and its demands are what our desires and needs are. If we are not aware of this situation, every moment our mind manipulates our emotions and we crave for these desires. Our emotions and our minds are trapped in this false fantasy reality every second of the day and are never free till we get what we think we wants. Ego self if so cunning with its trickery, we become obsessed. We are so convinced that we cannot live without them, so we do anything and everything to achieve these needs, desires. This is the true for most of us, we live the life being tricked by ego and are working to fulfill its nefarious desires. When we believe these needs to be ours without really listening to our heart, our spirit, we give in to them. We go head over heels to convince ourselves and others around us that what we are after is the real thing and without them we cannot live. We have good excuses and reasons for why we need them and why we cannot live without them. And to us those reasons are true. So we pray to our guides, teams and God, asking to receive these needs.
Surprisingly, sometimes we get what we asked for and then after sometimes, we realize what we so happily received was not what we really want. It might give us temporary pleasure, gratification and the ego seems to be happy that it got it but all that does not last for long. Ego probably is asking for more or something else meanwhile our heart is telling us what we got was not really aligned to our highest good and in fact what we got is hurting us and effecting our spiritual evolution.
At this stage we slowly begin to realize why we got this when we asked for. It is because we needed to learn this lesson. We have been tricked by our mind, ego and its multitude of personalities. It has gotten us to crave for something that is hurting us and our spiritual journey. We might have given up things that we truly needed in order to get this superficial blahhh. Furthermore when we got this only we might have realized that this is not the real thing we needed, in fact if we listen carefully, we will know the reason why ego was using us to go after this.
Now, what we need is to change our thinking and not let ego and its desires take over us which buffers true desires of the spirit. Now is the time we see through the veil of lies and become self realized of who we are. This is not an easy task, as there are so many desires of the flesh, desires to cover up the emptiness it feels and other ego fears that are covered up as things that needed achieving etc. All this is what ego throws at us convincing that without them we cannot live. It's a well fabricated fantasy that is being woven over our minds convincing us this is what we need. But these are ego desires, fears and they are the reason we are continually trapped in this cycle. If we can see through ego desires and embrace the spiritual path and listen to our spirit then we are free of these ego traps.
Most times ego is so convincing, so we get trapped in its false fantasy of how the life should be and live our whole life trapped in a fantasy reality, trapped without knowing who we really are.
So when we ask for something, we have to be really sure of what we ask, or we might get what we have asked for and then regret for asking it. Spirit has a sense of fun so it might give us what we have asked for and let us have the pleasure of learning the lesson we needed to learn in the first place.
Post date: May 7, 2017 9:20:45 AM