Work hard, fight against the odds, and achieve it.
What does that mean?
Work hard, fight against the odds, and achieve it. What does that mean?
The concept of seeking or looking to find something in the outer world, or the concepts of "I don't have," "I don't know," "I can't," or "so I have to take it from the outside world," or "people," are false beliefs that we have programmed into ourselves or to our virtual self-ego. This is our personality program, and it has also become our reality, where now we perceive and experience we don’t have, we don’t know, we can’t, etc.
In truth, you already have, know, you already can, and you are already receiving automatically as you are the creator. These are extremely new concepts to us and we even call them crazy, foreign concepts. And we tell ourselves that these are impossible to happen for us or in our world or in this reality.
This is our real truth, but we are so in the unconscious states of our mind that we can’t and won’t believe these as our real truth.
To come from states of taking from the outside world to survive and becoming a slave to that world... into a new concept of what I already have, and I am creating the reality and I am a creator. This mental state change, or consciousness awakening has been the most difficult process in our spiritual awakening.
So when we desire to achieve something, we go out to take resources, support systems, the knowledge we need from others, and whatever else we need to take from the outside world to create or achieve our goal/
The courage to believe that I can find it or do it, and make it happen is the first thing we need because most of our inner programming will tell us, it’s really hard to do or impossible to achieve and might as well give up or we will fail. And others will laugh at us for being a failure.
So we need real motivation, courage, and the power and energy to go and do whatever we want to do to achieve it. And most importantly I believe that I can do it, I can achieve it.
We have to work so hard to break free, it's heavy work to break free from this Shadow belief of I can't, I don't know, I don't have. These are our own inner programmed patterns or the blocks that we need to break free from or breakthrough.
The continuous setback is something we keep facing within us as we attempt to break through this block of whatever belief is created within our own mental space.
I BELIEVE and TRUST in myself that I can do this, I will receive help, or I will receive knowledge within, or I will find what I search for. Is the new Truth that we need to continuously emphasize in our mind as we keep hitting on the block that says otherwise and is against this new belief.
This is what we need to do, to break free from our own mental blocks. The shadow, false belief that has become our block stops us from going forward of achieving, receiving, becoming.
We are not trying to get something from the outer world, fighting against an enemy to achieve. It might seem that way to an unconscious person. But in truth, we are actually, trying to break free from the block, the chain, the cage, or the door that we closed a long time ago, that is standing against or in front of us stopping us from receiving what we already supposed to receiving or manifesting or coming to us.
All these setbacks and all these going back and forth are to break my own mental block/pattern. War or competition is that belief we have created that becomes the obstacle to receiving or becoming my true self.
We always think we are fighting to get something from the outer world. Fighting against the word or people but in truth what we are fighting against is a belief, a programmed concept, and a structure we have mentally created within us and a Shadow self that we have created within ourselves that believes, "I can't", "I don't know", "I don't have", "I am not enough". So I have to take it from the outer world, do that I have to work so hard.
All of this is my own created illusions, the reality that is stopping me from becoming what I am here to do, creating and becoming what I am here to be, or receiving what I already am supposed to receive.
The fight that I believe I fight to achieve is not against the outer world but with me, to break free from a pattern, a block within me that I already created a long long time ago.
So, to be free from this old programming and become my true self, I need to be courageous, work hard, not give up, and be patient with me as I keep hitting these walls within me.
Continuously believe the truth that this too will pass and this is simply my attempt at being free from a false concept that I believed and created, which is being broken down as I keep moving forward.
Love Pavitha T LH